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Yin Yoga - In-person

Great for way to release tightness and connect to a sense of softening

  • 1 hour
  • Pacific Highway

Service Description

A restoring and nourishing practice to deeply relax the muscles, fascia, bones and nervous system of the physical body, and also layers of the emotional and energetic body. Infused with wisdom from Chinese Medicine, the 5 Elements and meridians, Yin yoga is a no flow, slower, style of yoga allowing time for unwinding and resting the mind and body. In this practice postures are held for 2 mins +, using time to let the body and mind unwind and decompress. Yin is a practice that serves as a bridge between meditation and asana (yoga postures). A practice that can help us develop inner awareness, and compassion while releasing tension in the body. A great practice for all, particularly if you spend a long time sitting, physically active where you feel tightness in the body (running, or any sport), or if you simply wish to embrace stillness.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation If you need to cancel, please give us at least one-week prior notice. We will gladly give you credit for the class. We know that 'life happens', so please let us know as soon as possible by canceling your class ONLINE.

Contact Details

  • Breathing Space Wellbeing Sydney: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness Course, Pregnancy and PostNatal Specialist, Pacific Highway, Pymble NSW, Australia

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