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Teens Yoga and Mindfulness Term 2

8 Weeks. A yoga course for teens (13-18). Active Kids Voucher accepted.

  • Starts 10 May
  • 135 Australian dollars
  • In-Person & Online

Available spots

Service Description

Starts 3rd May (8 weeks, every Friday) Time: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Term 2 theme: Mindset Yoga has been shown to be beneficial for young people. This 8-week course provides a non-competitive environment for teens to explore mind-body connection through yoga. Through yoga poses young people can build a deeper connection to their bodies, and cultivate strength, balance, and flexibility while also learning various breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation techniques that can help teens de-stress and cultivate calm and ease. Students will learn techniques to help improve concentration and reduce stress while fostering a connection to their bodies in a loving way. Teens are taught to energise their bodies and calm their minds, enabling them to approach their lives with a fresh, positive outlook and a strong sense of self-worth that comes from emotional and physical wellness. From time to time, we'll explore various mindfulness activities and reflection exercises to support teen development. Our theme this term is on Mindset: Mindsets are lenses or frames of mind that orient individuals to particular sets of associations and expectations (Crum, Salovey, & Achor, 2013). Mindsets help individuals make sense of complex information by offering them simple schematics about themselves and objects in their world. For young people, mindsets provide a scaffolding for understanding the broad nature of the world around them - school life, friendships, family life, the future. While expectations and mindsets are intimately connected, they are not the same thing. Expectations are specific beliefs about future events. Mindsets are a more general psychological construal that orient an individual to a number of mindset-consistent expectations. This terms we'll be exploring how mindset and mindfulness can support young people and how yoga practice can help regulate their nervous system, connect to calm and nurture a growth mindset. Active Kids Voucher: For those using Active Kids please email with a screenshot of your child's voucher, name, and date of birth. Then kindly deposit a $35 difference to Breathing Space Wellbeing BSB 062692 Account Number 46839844. You'll receive an email from us to confirm your child's place.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation If you need to cancel, please give us at least one-week prior notice. We will gladly give you credit for the class. We know that 'life happens', so please let us know as soon as possible by canceling your class ONLINE.

Contact Details

Breathing Space Wellbeing Sydney: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness Course, Pregnancy and PostNatal Specialist, Pacific Highway, Pymble NSW, Australia

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