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Slow Flow - In-person

A mindful yoga class for all

  • Pacific Highway

Service Description

Move at a pace and in a way that's comfortable and that feels good for you. This class invites you to slow down to feel into the gross physical aspects of our bodies then tuning into the more subtle parts. You will be taken through a sequence of yoga postures that follow the rhythm of breath (vinyasa) where transitions between poses are slower. You will learn how to deepen your breath and use it as an anchor to ground your body and mind, while also strengthening, loosening up the joints, and stimulating circulation. Slow flow is suitable to all levels of students. Beginners and post natal mamas are welcome as modifications are given to suit the individual student.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation If you need to cancel, please give us at least one-week prior notice. We will gladly give you credit for the class. We know that 'life happens', so please let us know as soon as possible by canceling your class ONLINE.

Contact Details

  • Breathing Space Wellbeing Sydney: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness Course, Pregnancy and PostNatal Specialist, Pacific Highway, Pymble NSW, Australia

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