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Gentle Yoga & TRE

Yoga for stress and tension release

  • 1 h 15 min
  • Pacific Highway

Service Description

This class invites you to slow down to feel into the gross physical aspects of our bodies then tuning into the more subtle parts. It focuses on releasing tension from the tissues of the body, through gentle yoga, restorative yoga poses, specific soft breathing techniques and muscle release technique (TRE). A safe and gentle class that will help you release layers of tension you otherwise may not have access to, through the nervous system and muscle interaction. The class is for you if you are ready to learn a new technique to add to your toolkit of decompressing and managing stress. After softening and sinking into the restorative yoga and breath techniques, your body will be ready to allow the gentle shaking to release deeply held tension, allowing the body and mind to let go of what's needed. The class will end with a 10-minute relaxation/savasana allowing integration and resetting of your energy and nervous system. Here are a few testimonials from Melissa's clients: “I felt calmer and more measured the next day and had a really long deep sleep that night, thank you for a really relaxing and quite emotional experience.” “Reconnect with the body, let go of the controlling mind and let the body do the healing.” “I feel as though I have found a new energy and life force within my own body, in only three sessions.”

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation If you need to cancel, please give us at least one-week prior notice. We will gladly give you credit for the class. We know that 'life happens', so please let us know as soon as possible by canceling your class ONLINE.

Contact Details

  • Breathing Space Wellbeing Sydney: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness Course, Pregnancy and PostNatal Specialist, Pacific Highway, Pymble NSW, Australia

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